December 3, 2013 Board of Supervisors Meeting
30. 9:00 a.m. - County AdministratorReceive and file LAFCo/UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program Animal Services Study and consider authorizing staff to develop a framework for a joint powers agency to evaluate and potentially implement the Report's recommendations. (No general fund impact) (Blacklock/Crawford)
30. 9:00 a.m. - County AdministratorReceive and file LAFCo/UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program Animal Services Study and consider authorizing staff to develop a framework for a joint powers agency to evaluate and potentially implement the Report's recommendations. (No general fund impact) (Blacklock/Crawford)
31. 9:00 a.m. - County AdministratorHold a public hearing to adopt an update to the 2013-14 Master Fee Resolution incorporating all changes approved since May 7 and August 6, 2013; and approve the proposed fee changes associated with the Clerk Recorder, General Services and Sheriff departments to the Yolo County Master Fee Resolution and Schedule. (General fund revenue $14,986) (Blacklock/Salinas)
31. 9:00 a.m. - County AdministratorHold a public hearing to adopt an update to the 2013-14 Master Fee Resolution incorporating all changes approved since May 7 and August 6, 2013; and approve the proposed fee changes associated with the Clerk Recorder, General Services and Sheriff departments to the Yolo County Master Fee Resolution and Schedule. (General fund revenue $14,986) (Blacklock/Salinas)
32. 9:00 a.m. - Planning & Public WorksHold a public hearing and adopt an ordinance extending the term of the agricultural clustered housing ordinance (Yolo County Code Section 8-2.2419) for one additional year to January 3, 2015. (No general fund impact) (Bencomo/Parfrey)
32. 9:00 a.m. - Planning & Public WorksHold a public hearing and adopt an ordinance extending the term of the agricultural clustered housing ordinance (Yolo County Code Section 8-2.2419) for one additional year to January 3, 2015. (No general fund impact) (Bencomo/Parfrey)
33. Action items and reports from members of the Board of Supervisors, including announcements, questions to be referred to staff and reports on various 2x2s and meetings with other agencies. (Board of Supervisors)
33. Action items and reports from members of the Board of Supervisors, including announcements, questions to be referred to staff and reports on various 2x2s and meetings with other agencies. (Board of Supervisors)
34. Long Range Planning Calendar. (Board of Supervisors)
34. Long Range Planning Calendar. (Board of Supervisors)
35. Tactical Plan. (Board of Supervisors)
35. Tactical Plan. (Board of Supervisors)
36. Appoint 2013 Vice-Chair and consider 2014 Chair and Vice-Chair election. (Board of Supervisors)
36. Appoint 2013 Vice-Chair and consider 2014 Chair and Vice-Chair election. (Board of Supervisors)
37. Discuss requests for Pomona Funds. (No general fund impact) (Supervisor Saylor/Cook)
37. Discuss requests for Pomona Funds. (No general fund impact) (Supervisor Saylor/Cook)
38. Action items and reports from the County Administrator. (Blacklock)
38. Action items and reports from the County Administrator. (Blacklock)
39. Receive and file report on 2013 federal, state and regional advocacy activities. (No general fund impact) (Tuttle/Tengolics)
39. Receive and file report on 2013 federal, state and regional advocacy activities. (No general fund impact) (Tuttle/Tengolics)
40. Receive presentation regarding the status of the 2011 Conaway Ranch agreement. (No general fund impact) (Bob Thomas/Pogledich)
40. Receive presentation regarding the status of the 2011 Conaway Ranch agreement. (No general fund impact) (Bob Thomas/Pogledich)
41. Adopt Authorized Position and Salary Resolution for Assessor's Office. (General fund impact $42,614) (Butler)
41. Adopt Authorized Position and Salary Resolution for Assessor's Office. (General fund impact $42,614) (Butler)
42. Receive and file Affordable Care Act (ACA) update and approve authorized position resolution for 15 new limited-term positions and related budget resolution for the Department of Employment and Social Services to accomplish the work required by the ACA. (No general fund impact) (4/5 vote required) (Planell)
42. Receive and file Affordable Care Act (ACA) update and approve authorized position resolution for 15 new limited-term positions and related budget resolution for the Department of Employment and Social Services to accomplish the work required by the ACA. (No general fund impact) (4/5 vote required) (Planell)
43. Receive a presentation regarding Indigent Health program changes related to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and approve contract with the County Medical Services Program Governing Board for participation in the County Medical Services Program to provide indigent care effective January 1, 2014. (No general fund impact) (Cook)
43. Receive a presentation regarding Indigent Health program changes related to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and approve contract with the County Medical Services Program Governing Board for participation in the County Medical Services Program to provide indigent care effective January 1, 2014. (No general fund impact) (Cook)
44. Presentations to Supervisor McGowan.
44. Presentations to Supervisor McGowan.
Edward Mast (Supervisor Rexroad)Jenni Johnson-Carr (Supervisor Rexroad)Leslie Pinkston (Supervisor Saylor)
Edward Mast (Supervisor Rexroad)Jenni Johnson-Carr (Supervisor Rexroad)Leslie Pinkston (Supervisor Saylor)
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